Hagalundsgatn 5, 16965 Solna, Stockholm.

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 2PM
Weekend: Closed

About us

My Story

Mined from the Hindu Kush and Himalayas, these gems, crystals, minerals, or simply rocks will surely excite and delight. Whether you want to heal, attract bounty, or to simply feel good. Our stones are an affirmation for the wandering. At Sans (Urdu word, سانس) meaning ~ breath. At Sans Minerals we want you to take a breath and remember that hope is not lost.  To offer solace to the weary- that we are with you. We are a South Asian venture dedicated to carving out a place in the gemstone arena. Our stones are dazzling, aesthetic and exquisitely tantalizing. 

We provide:

  • wide variety
  • wide usage
  • delivery  

Hailing from the ever so bustling South Asian city of Peshawar, also known as the city of flowers. Gemstones piqued my curiosity due to my house’s close proximity to the jewelry market. Their fine cutting, presentation and glamour caught my eye. I would comb through magazines and journals looking at different crystals, learning their properties. There was a hankering for the precious/semi-precious stone business inside me from a young age. 

I worked in the pharmaceutical and business industries briefly, but as always my true calling was in gemology. Fast-forward to 2013, this passion of mine was turned into a fulltime job. 

 I have been spiritual since childhood and learning crystal properties brought a major change in my life, and I felt that I was finally investing my time and energies in the right place.  

 Starting this firm has had its challenges, but it has been a labour of love.  After spending few years, I packed up my bags and moved to Sweden to explore more opportunities in order to compete with new trends in market. And here we are in the future, together.


To be adorned, displayed, or kept in nearly every household of the planet. At Sans Minerals we do not believe in low stakes. Our priority is to be something you’re proud of. At Sans Minerals you are more than just a customer.


  • To become indispensable to our wearers, users, and admirers. 
  • To deliver quality, beautiful gemstones at a reasonable cost.  

Meet our Team

We are passionate about Gems and Crystals

Sayed Faiq Imam



Luqman Rahim

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Marketing Manager

Fahad Maqbool

IT Manager